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Alberta Online Encyclopedia and Edukits

Aboriginal Youth Identity Series: First Nations Contributions
teacher ZoneJuniorSenior

Generalization & Objectives

Introductory Activity

Main Lesson

Supplementary Lesson


Grade 8-9- Introductory Activity

Introductory Activity

Initiate a brainstorming session with the students in which you discuss roles and occupations of First Nations people prior to the contact period. You may want to write the students ideas down on the board or flip chart paper. What types of roles and activities do the students think First Nations people would have been doing? How would men and women’s occupations/responsibilities be similar or different? What could some possible roles be at the time of contact and/or shortly after? Did their occupations stay the same or did they change/evolve? Do students think these were positive or negative changes? How have First Nations people occupations and careers continued to change over the years? Are these positive or negative changes?

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