Grade 10 - Teacher Information
The following is a list of books by Aboriginal authors. It would be
a good idea to have these books or other suitable books available for the
students to read. Students will also have to do some research in the
library or the Internet to learn more about the authors. The list is
as follows
All My Relations: An Anthology of Contemporary
Canadian Native Fiction by Thomas King
Becoming Brave: The Path to Native American
Manhood by Laine Thom
Harper’s Anthology of 20th Century Native
American Poetry by Duane Niatum
Honour the Sun by Ruby Slipperjack
I Walk in Two Worlds by Eleanor Brass
Native Voices by Freda Ahenakew, Brenda
Gardipy, and Barbara Lafond
One Good Story, That One: Stories by
Thomas King by Thomas King
Our Bit of Truth: An Anthology of Canadian
Literature by Agnes Grant
Silent Words by Ruby Slipperjack
Song of Eskasoni: More Poems of Rita Joe
by Rita Joe
Bear Bones and Feathers by Louise Halfe
Ravensong by Lee Maracle
There are many other authors you can include for
this lesson plan, so don't limit yourself to the above suggestions.
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