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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia and Edukits

Aboriginal Youth Identity Series: First Nations Contributions
teacher ZoneJuniorSenior

Generalization & Rationale


Introductory Activity

Main Lesson


Grade 12 - Main Lesson

In groups of three or four, depending on class size and dynamics, students will research a successful Aboriginal organization or business. The information should be presented in a manner that reflects an industry tradeshow. Students will want to complete a history of the business and examine its business principles and characteristics pertaining to private enterprise. The students will share their information on a three-piece tradeshow presentation board and will act out the roles of business representatives from their chosen Aboriginal enterprise. Students will have an opportunity to visit each display and ask questions. It is the student’s responsibility to take notes on aspects of all of the businesses so that they can retain the information in their notes for future testing

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