Map of Treaty 8
Treaty 8 Signed at Lesser Slave Lake in 1899 Covers portions of northern Alberta, B.C., Saskatchewan and part of N.W.T. 23 Alberta First Nations
1999 was the 100th anniversary of the signing of Treaty 8. To read more about Treaty 8 visit Alberta Heritage Online for David Leonard's article Focus on 1899, reprinted from Museums Review.
1 - Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation
2 - Beaver First Nation
3 - Bigstone Cree Nation
4 - Chipewyan Prairie First Nation
5 - Dene Tha' Nation
6 - Driftpile First Nation
7 - Duncan's First Nation
8 - Fort McKay First Nation
9 - Fort McMurray #468 First Nation
10 - Horse Lake First Nation
11 - Kapawe'no First Nation
12 - Little Red River Cree Nation
13 - Loon River Cree Nation
14 - Lubicon Lake Band (No Reserve)
15 - Mikisew Cree First Nation
16 - Sawridge First Nation
17 - Smith's Landing First Nation
18 - Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation
19 - Sucker Creek Band
20 - Swan River First Nation
21 - Tallcree First Nation
22 - Whitefish Lake First Nation (Atikameg)
23 - Woodland Cree First Nation
map courtesy of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Alberta Region
Current as of July 2000
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