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Once the colony of St-Paul-des-Métis was opened up for outside settlement by Father Thérien, in 1909, many homesteaders stood in line for hours to file a land claim. Some had travelled from as far away as Québec, while others had been squatting on land near the St-Paul-des-Métis settlement, awaiting the day they would be allowed to move into the area. Many of those settlers who filed before or after the 10th of April were Métis who had registered their land in March, or after the day the Land Office opened.

List of Pioneers who filed on April 10th

List of Pioneers who filed before or after April 10th

Pioneers who filed on April 10th:

Alain, Odias
Doucet, Neree
Girard, Thaddée
Lyonnais, David

Alain, Simeon
Doucet, Joseph
Guertin, Eugene
Mailloux Edmond

Baudel, Richard
Doucet, Olivier
Girard, Alphonse
Malouin, Victor

Beaudin, Richard
Doucet, Wilfrid
Hurtubise, Alphonse
Mongeau, Noe

Beaudin, Arthur
Dubois, Arthur
Hurtubise, Joseph
Montambeault, Hyacinthe

Beaudin, Joseph
Dubois, Emery
Hurtubise, Octave
Moreau, Louis

Beaudin, Julien
Dubois, Jeffrey
Jalbert, Adolphe
Morin, Alphonse

Begin, Elizee
Dubois, Joseph
Jardon, Jacques
Neveu, Neheminas

Belzil, Ernest
Dubois, Ludger
Jardon, Pierre
Nevue, Donat

Belzil, Joseph
Duteau, Arthur
Joyal, Daniel
Noel, Albert

Blouin, Napoleon
Duteau, Ademard
Joly, Fabien
Ouellette, Alphonse

Brunelle, John
Duteau, Isidore
Joly, Laudas
Ouellette, Honore

Caron, Ernest
Duteau, Arthur
Joly, Phydime
Pepin, Wilfrid

Carrier, Joseph
Fass, Herman
Joly, Raoul
Picard, Aurelius

Carter, Ephrem
Fontaine, Arthur
Joly, Theodoric
Pigeon, Adolphe

Carter, Stephen
Fontaine, Antoine
Lafortune, Eugene
Pigeon, Ernest

Chartier, Wilfrid
Fontaine, Alphonse
Lajoie, Joseph
Poirier, Oscar

Charbonneau, Magloire
Fontaine, Ephrem
Langevin, Edouard
Racicot, Bernard

Charron, Pierre
Fontaine, Henri
Lamothe, Arsene
Roy, Benjamin

Cote, Pierre
Fontaine, Louis
Laramee, Joseph
Roy, Joseph

Courtemanche, O.
Gaboury, Euloge
Larue, Joseph
Tessier, Henri

Cyr, Sylvestre
Gagnon, Joseph
Lefebvre, Jacques
Tessier, Victor
Deslauriers, Cyprien
Ganon, Thomas
Leonard, David
Thérien, Clovis

Dorizon, Auguste
Gelinas, Wilfrid
Leroux, Joseph
Tremblay, Elizee

Doucet, Arthur
Gerard, Alfred
Leroux, D’Assise
Trudel, Alphonse

Doucet, Charles
Girard, Donat
Leroux, Dominique
Trudel, Victor

Doucet, Donat
Girard, Joseph
Lessard, Thomas
Tremblay, Aime

Girard, Octave
Locke, Joseph
Van Brabant, Gentiel

Pioneers who filed on special permits before or after April 10th:

Brady, James P.
Dandenau, A.
Howse, Adam
McLean, J.

Boudreau, Pierre
Dandenau, P.
Laboucane, George
Poistras, Jerome

Breland, Alfred
Durocher, Frederic
Laboucane, Alfred
Poistras, Elzear

Breland, Zacharie
Dufresne, Henry
Laboucane, Jermone
Poistras, Francois

Beauregard, Charles
Desjarlais, Simon
Lacombe, Pierre
Poistras, Dolphis

Beauregard, Louis
Dumond, Thimonthy
Laboucane,  St Pierre
Parenteau, Joseph

Beauregard, Charles
David, M.
Lawson, Houle
Picke, O.

Beauregard, Julien
Desjarlais, Pierre
Larivierre, John
Pigeon, Aime

Berard, Marguerite
Laframboise, Louis
Laderoute, Daniel
Poirier, Albert

Bruneau, Louison Sr.
Laframboise, Michael
Laderoute, Joseph
Ross, Dave

Bruneau, Louison Jr.
Francois, P.
Laderoute, Gabriel
Radiscow, Joseph

Beauregard, Norbert
Flammand, Joseph
Laderoute, Olivier
Risdale, Thomas S.

Baudelle, Richard
Garneau, Edward
Laderoute, Albert
Ralph, T. W.

Boudreau, Francois
Garneau, John
Langman, L.
Stewart, A.

Boudreau, D.
Garneau, Alexandre
Lafontaine, E.
Simpson, R.

Berlinguette, J.F.
Gerard, James
Lajoie, A.
St. Laurent, A.

Berard, Thomas
Gerard, A.
Letellier, L.
Trottier, Corbett

Cardinal, Marie
Gerard, Thader
Larue, Philias
Thérien, J. C.

Cormack, Jas
Garneau, Louis
Lyonnais, J. F.
Vallette, Francois

Caron, E.C.
Garneau, Archange
Laperle, E.
Ward, Felix

Callioux, Felix
Garneau, Lawrence Sr.
Mongrain, Michel
Wares, D.

Cote, Joseph
Hamelin, Joseph
Miller, A.
Walters, James

Collins, Albert


History of St. Paul Alberta 1909–1959.  St. Paul, Alberta: St. Paul Journal, 1960.

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