Founded in 1897 in honour of Queen Victoria's Diamond
Jubilee, the Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) was established
to provide nursing services to districts that did not have
medical care.
Lady Aberdeen made use of her social contacts to secure
the interest of medical men and prominent people throughout
Canada. As a fund was started for the project, a
constitution and by-laws were drawn up.
In 1898, the VON's first Training Homes were established
to provide fully qualified graduate nurses with six months
of training in district work. Upon completing this course,
trainees were admitted to the Order if they promised to
serve for two years. These nurses were then assigned to
either a district of their own, a cottage-hospital, or some
other service. Their duties included:
![Victorian Order of Nurses baby clinic view, Calgary, Alberta.](/2217/20101208165038im_/
- Sending monthly reports to the Chief Lady Superintendent
- Providing nursing care to about 6 patients per day, and
preparing a report for the physician
- Preparing meals for patients
- Caring for children of the family when a mother was ill
As well as establishing Training Homes, the VON raised
money to hire and equip nurses, as well as giving grants to
towns and districts to help them hire nurses for a year, in
addition to establishing cottage-hospitals.