Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia


The Heritage Community Foundation extends its heartfelt thanks to Simon Pagé who allowed us to reprint his texts and images on the francophone history of Edmonton — texts drawn from those presented to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research at the University of Alberta (Autumn 1998) in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Educational Studies.

EA:      Edmonton Archives
PAA:    Provincial Archives of Alberta

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The Jacques-Cartier Bank, 1895 (PAA B-4076)
According to the Edmonton Bulletin, the Jacques-Cartier Bank, located near what is now the Hotel MacDonald, was “the handsomest building in Edmonton”.

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Jasper Avenue, to the east of 100 Street, circa 1913 (EA, EA-10-133)
Businesses along Jasper Avenue, relative to the Hotel MacDonald.

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Jasper Avenue, to the east of 100 Street, 1910-11 (PAA, B-4780)
Some businesses along Jasper Avenue: one recognizes the Gallagher & Hull butcher shop (second business from the right), the Larue & Picard general store (the maple leaf on the storefront), and the former Jacques-Cartier Bank.

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Gariépy & Lessard, 1903 (PAA, B-4151)
This business, located on the northwest corner of Jasper Avenue and McDougall Street (100 Street) was first known as Gariépy & Chénier and later as Gariépy & Brosseau.

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Leaving for the Klondike, n.d. (PAA, B-5173)
One recognizes in this photo the McDougall store on the north side of Jasper Avenue.  Note the Larue & Picard delivery cart.

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Laure & Picard general store, n.d., (PAA, B-4134)
This store, located on the south side of Jasper Avenue near what is now the Hotel MacDonald was one of Edmonton’s most well patronized businesses at the turn of the last century.

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The Gallagher-Hull butcher shop, 1903 (EA, EB-14-21)
The first offices of L’Ouest Canadien were located on the second storey of the Gallagher Block, property of Cornelius Gallagher, the town’s former mayor and butcher.  On the first floor, the Gallagher butcher shop.

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The Victoria Hotel, circa 1905 (EA, EA-10-163)
Originally, the Victoria Hotel was home of the offices of L’Ouest Canadien when the newspaper moved in 1899.  Upon the closure of the newspaper, the building became a hotel, located on the south side of Jasper Avenue facing the intersection of Howard Street (100A Street).

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            For more on Francophone Alberta, visit Peel’s Prairie Provinces.
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