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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia


Traditional Use Studies Print Resource,
TUS Studies/Methodology

Honda - McNeil, Jamie and Denise Parsons (eds.) Best practices handbook for
traditional use studies. Edmonton: Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, 2003.

This publication provides a very comprehensive look at Traditional Use
Studies highlighting all the components of such work. According to this handbook, there are three phases in a successful TUS: Planning, Conducting, and Applying. This is a publication of Alberta Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development

Garvin, Terry, Shirley Nelson, Erik Ellehoj, and Barbara Redmond. A guide to conducting a traditional knowledge and land use study. Edmonton: Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, 2001.

This publication provides a perspective from the sustainability sector, as it is published by the Canadian Forest Service, and focuses on Traditional Knowledge and Land Use Studies in comparison to Traditional Use Studies. While Traditional Use Studies and Traditional Land Use Studies are often thought of as the same, the project will attempt to determine if the differences are substantive or only in the name.

Tobias, Terry. Chief Kerry's Moose: A Guidebook to land use and occupancy mapping, research design. Vancouver: Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs, 2000.

Bill, Lea. A report of wisdom synthesized from the traditional knowledge component studies. Edmonton: Northern River Basins Study, 1996.

Community Profiles

Nelson, Shirley Jane. The utilization of traditional knowledge, land use and occupancy studies: a case study from western Alberta, Canada

Ryan, Joan and Michael P. Robinson. Participatory action research: an examination of two northern case studies. Calgary: Arctic Institute of North America, the University of Calgary,1992.

Garvin, Terry. There is still survival out there; a traditional land use and occupancy study of the Fort Mckay First Nations. Fort McKay: Arctic Institute of North America, 1994.

This publication describes the pattern of land use created by Treaty First Nations, both Chipewyan and Cree, and the Metis and non-Status Indians who today live in Fort McKay, a small settlement on the Athabasca River. The study used participatory research methods, local interviewers invited Elders in the community to share stories about their relationship with the land. It is the community's desire that this study may enable the creation of a co-management regime to promote conservations and sustainable development. This publication also highlights the methodology, including project implementation, project management, a project conclusion as well as map analysis, co-management and co-planning, and data analysis.

Uses for Traditional Use Studies

Government of Alberta. Alberta oil sands consultations factsheets. Edmonton: Government of Alberta, 2007.

MacKinnon, Laura. Revisiting traditional land use and occupancy studies: relevance and implications for resource management in Alberta. Edmonton: Sustainable Forest Management Network, 1999.

Robinson, Mike, Terry Garvin, and Gordon Hodgson. Mapping how we use our land: using participatory action research. ANDC and Canada/Alberta Partnership Agreement in Forestry, 1994.

The study notes: "We do traditional land use and occupancy studies to map traditional and current environmental knowledge for the future. A good map base of traditional land use also helps with comprehensive land claims, treaty entitlement negotiations, and resource development planning."

Robinson, Mike. Strengthening the role of indigenous people and their communities in the context of sustainable development.Edmonton: Sustainable Forest Management Network, 1999.

This publication demonstrates Traditional Land Use and Occupancy Studies in two case studies and deals with sustainable development as well as co-management.

Stevenson, Marc G. Traditional Knowledge and Sustainable Forest Management.
Edmonton: Sustainable Forest Management, 2005.

This publication defines Traditional Knowledge, demonstrating the difference between Traditional Knowledge and Western Science and the importance that Traditional Knowledge plays in Traditional Use Studies.
Supplementary research including the use of websites and various documents has been necessary in order to provide context and anchoring text to the material. An inventory/bibliography of the material was compiled determining which sources could be used as supporting text on the website
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            For more on Aboriginal land use in Alberta, visit Peel’s Prairie Provinces.

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