> James Evans' Excerpts
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SyllabicsSunday Book, SyllabicsSunday Book, Syllabics

lord's prayer,syllabic,harriotnote from rundle to evans 

Poetry of James Evans

For a season farewell of the forest then child
Go wander in search of the deserts wild game
Go traverse the mountains, and range thru the valleys
And all its warm fires as thy property claim
But, O myred brother whilst far thou art ranging
And anxiously tracing the light-footed deer
Forget not to look for the Staff of thy Saviour
And follow him closely- thy way he will clear
And whilst quick eye through the foliage is darting
And patience + hope- thy appetite keen 
By the eye of thy faith always directed to heaven 
May thy promised inheritance always be seen.

O may thy great father who feeds the young raven 
Direct thee in hunting to thy daily food
Send his sons bread from heaven and drink from its fountain
And mayest thou exclaim still my Jesus is good 
And whilst in thy wigwam thy evenings are spending
And thy fire in the center spreads light all around
O may the bright beams of they dear blessed Saviour
So light up thy soul that no darkness be found. 
And when in thy blanket in comfort reclining
And musing upon the success of the day 
Mayest thou remember thy soul is immortal
But mortal its frail habitation of clay.

I've never seen thee smile, + smiled again 
I've never seen thee weep, + shared thy pain 
I've never met thine eye, but still I send
This friendly token that I am thy friend.

A stranger asks although unknown to thee
One favour at thy hand-where e'er he be 
One token of remembrance; when you bend 
Before the Throne of Grace-pray for thy friend.

These lines may be to oblivion consigned 
And leave no trace of friendship here behind
But hope took up and-sends
To meet thee when all will be truly friends.

Our garden near the Hudson's Bay 
Produces much more toil than pay 
Potatoes thrive if they don't freeze
And sometimes grow as large as peas 
Which last named articles with ease.

Citation Sources
Hutchinson, Gerald. Unpublished manuscript.

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