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About A To Z Campaign

Search Alberta’s past …
                 navigate the future

Imagine a province and world in which every person has free access to the sum of all Alberta’s Heritage. That’s what the Heritage Community Foundation is doing.

The Heritage Community Foundation is an educational trust dedicated to bringing to life the dynamic evolution of this province we call home. As a leading developer of online educational content about Alberta’s heritage, the Foundation is committed to giving all Albertans access to the exciting past and culture that has shaped and continues to shape our province.

We are a new foundation for a new age and the Alberta Online Encyclopedia is the ultimate online resource for Alberta’s rich historical, natural, cultural, scientific and technological heritage.

The Need, the Audience

ClassroomAlbertans surf the Internet more than people in any other province in the country with almost 59 percent of households accessing the net in 2000 (up from 51 percent in 1999).

Our initiatives provide an integrated approach to the creation and presentation of rich Alberta content on the Alberta SuperNet. They also support Alberta Education and Alberta Advanced Education's focus on the creation of online learning objects for the Alberta Program of Studies and to promote the creation of Online Learning Repositories to support student learning.

By supporting the A to Z Campaign, you are:

  • Helping children with their homework
  • Directing teachers to rich resources about the historical, natural, cultural, scientific, and technological heritage of Alberta
  • Linking World Wide Web users to museum and archival collections
  • Giving children and adults alike a sense of what Alberta has been, is, and will become and thereby building community identity and pride

Campaign Summary

Educational Resource Creation $ 9 million
Research and Development $ 8 million
Digital Technology  $ 5 million
Experiential Learning $ 4 million
Campaign Goal   $ 26 million

Invest in a Sustainable Resource for accessing Alberta's Heritage-

Support the Heritage Community Foundation's A to Z Campaign

Help keep the Alberta Online Encyclopedia growing and current

. . . as well as free!