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Appreciation and Recognition

The Heritage Community Foundation brings the heritage of Alberta to all Albertans. The Foundation challenges and informs all Albertans by discovering, preserving, and presenting Alberta's heritage. We do this through research and writing, digital technology and web development, educational resource creation, and experiential learning. This work requires an expert staff, as well as valuable partnerships and supporters who provide funding, content, and expertise.

Understanding heritage allows us to understand our culture, our history, our environment, our living communities, each other, and ourselves. It takes a great deal of work to discover, preserve, and present what is a part of our culture, history, environment, and our living communities to all Albertans. Albertans who are young and old.

Albertans who learn by reading, by viewing, by participating. Albertans who want to learn and understand more about their province. Albertans who understand that this knowledge will mean that our children and our children's children will better understand their world and how to live in it.

The heritage of Alberta is exciting and alive. As friends, supporters, and partners we value your support.

Donor Recognition and Stewardship are an integral part of the Heritage Community Foundation's Development Program. The Foundation thanks donors promptly for their gifts in a manner appropriate to the size of their gifts and consistent with their personal wishes. The Foundation has developed a  Donor Recognition and Stewardship Policy based on industry standards of practice and Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) guidelines.  The Foundation will seek the ongoing advice of existing and potential donors regarding donor recognition and stewardship.

The Heritage Community Foundation's A to Z Campaign in support of the Alberta Online Encyclopedia provides a range of funding opportunities from research and development to endowments and planned giving. 

Please contact:

Norma McElhone, Director of Development
Heritage Community Foundation
Suite 54, 9912 - 106 Street
Edmonton, AB T5K 1C5

Tel. (780) 424-6512, ext. 258
Email:  info@heritagecommunityfdn.org