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Edukit Learning

For students, parents, and teachers, the Heritage Community Foundation Edukits bring history alive on the world wide web! Enter www.Edukits.ca , and discover a dynamic world of online learning. Explore provincial, national, and international history in a virtual classroom filled with lesson plans, activities, games, and interactive multimedia content specially designed to meet the standards of the Alberta educational curriculum.

The past is the measure by which we understand the present. Where we have been points us to where we are. Education in heritage is a crucial signpost that helps students gain a truer context of today’s world, and the Heritage Community Foundation seeks to further that education through its online Edukits.

The Edukits are a vital part of Alberta’s Online Encyclopedia, www.AlbertaSource.ca., a gateway to an even larger world of websites tracing Alberta’s heritage from the Fur Trade era to the present day. A universe of history is just a mouse click away. Visit www.Edukits.ca and begin your heritage journey today!