Halkirk, AB
February 22,1921
Mrs. E. Murphy
Received your letter tonight. You don't know me but am sure, Mrs.
Murphy, that you will appreciated my feeling. I am sorry to say you know
Ponoka Insane Asylum and I will get you acquainted a little more.
Like you, I say it is too bad that sometimes we have to bear ill health.
But to stand a hell of 1200 days where you are force to work while you are
there in Hospital, it is the limit.
Mrs. Murphy, if you give me the credit of being good hard working girl
why in such a case would a girl have to work there at all? Don't forget the
cash was with me. Why did they collect more?
I was refused leave on the 12 of December 1923 and I sent to the nurses
home instead with a bad cold and pain in my right lung. Where is the doctor?
Before that I was only kept to help for the bazaar and was made to sew on
Sunday. All I got was suffer it all.
Don't you know with a little care a person will soon get better. But
from the start to the finish there was none. I was so poorly physically when I
left there not fit to work anyway. Not that I was incurable but neglected
only. God is the strength to the one who are afflicted and always the best of
Friend and never you are alone.
I am sorry to have to contradict you but no man living could cure
insanity. If you are acquainted of some one, I would be please to be
acquainted also. God Himself gives and takes away. He is the only healer.
My own brother came to take me home 10 days after I first was sent
there. They laugh of my suffering.
Do you know that by taking care properly they would only have half the
patients there. You tell me that if I brood over it I will break down and
become insane again. I never made a God of money and only saved it for
necessities like sickness and old age. Three years in my young life and turned
out at the age of thirty five. It was a saving of ten years. I was working at
thirteen. So I owe you educated people great thanks.
I asked while there to be move to jail, were it the proper way to punish
I believed the public respects humanity too much to ever leave those who
are left behind me and I hope you be the first one to think of them. A citizen
of Alberta I am and I do not wish for the money but truthfully expect Alberta
to give little better service.
Virginia Clin.7