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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia

Ken Russell

Growing up in Winnipeg, future Calgary REALTOR® Ken Russell had plans for a professional hockey career until he joined the air force during the Second World War.

Following the war, he worked at the Burroughs Adding Machine Company, in sales. He was soon transferred to Calgary, where he became a sales manager for Universal Mercury Lincoln. In 1963, a good friend of his replaced Pat Toole as manager of the prestigious real estate company Toole Peet. Four years later, Russell joined the company after taking REALTOR® classes with the Calgary Real Estate Board.

In 1975, Calgary served as the president of the Calgary Real Estate Board, the first salesman in the industry to earn this position, a remarkable feat considering that for a time, salesmen were not allowed to serve on the board of directors or in administrative areas of the Calgary Real Estate Board.

Russell eventually became manager at Toole Peet in 1980, and director in 1982. In 1980, he also became the first Calgary REALTOR® of the Year.

Ken Russell spent his entire real estate career with Toole Peet, until his retirement.

For more information on Ken Russell, read the Calgary Real Estate News article Loyalty earned distinction in our feature article database.


Goheen, Krista. Loyalty earned distinction Calgary Real Estate News, 23(49), December 08, 2005.

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