Feature Article Database
Browsing category: Edmonton Real Estate Board
This article discusses how the Edmonton Real Estate Board weathered the slump of the real estate industry during the 1980s, which began with the recession of 1982. - EARLY DAYS OF THE EDMONTON REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION
The Edmonton Real Estate Board was formed in 1927, to unite and standardize the real estate industry. This article documents the board's early struggles in the 1930s and 1940s. - EDMONTON REAL ESTATE IN THE 1970S AND '80S
The 1970s were booming years for the Edmonton real estate industry, while the 1980s brought hard times for the industry. This article documents the role of the Edmonton Real Estate Board during these years. - EDMONTON REAL ESTATE'S 1960S GOLDEN AGE
This article documents the growth of the Edmonton Real Estate Board during the real estate boom of the 1960s. - EDMONTON'S REAL ESTATE IN THE BOOMING 1950S
The Edmonton Real Estate Board grew tremendously during the 1950s, booming years for the real estate industry of Edmonton.