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Alberta Online Encyclopedia
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Nature's Law
Spiritual Life, Governance, Culture, Traditions, Resources, Context and Background
The Heritage Community Foundation, Alberta Law Foundation and Albertasource.ca
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Spirit of the Land

Indigenous Peoples

Constitutional rights
and responsibilities

Social Reality

Rights of

Origin of

Exercised as a

Definition of People

Great Turtle Island



Survival for
All Beings

Survival for
the People

Right to Exist


The Land

Spirit of the Land

Judicial and Fiscal Order


Visual representation of nature's laws

Nature’s Laws limits the way the People can deal with the land in that land does not belong to them and cannot be sold, traded or divorced from the being who gave it...it has a ‘spirit’ that must not be violated.

The One of the strongest teachings of the traditional Elders concerns the authority of women. When the Elders speak about the role of women at the treaty, they talk about the spiritual connection of the women to the land and to treaty-making. The Creator gave women the power to create. The man is the helper to the woman, not the other way around. Women are linked to Mother Earth by their ability to bring forth life. The women sit beside the Creator as a recognition of their role and position.

Once there was a story of a young man who criticized a woman at Chief and meeting. After the meeting was concluded, an old man went to speak to the young man. The old man asked the young man to hold out his hand and make something grow. The young man replied that he could not make something grow in his palm. The old man told him that a woman could make things grow. Until the young man could make something grow in his hand, he should not speak against women.

Because of this spiritual connection with the Creator and Mother Earth, it is the women who own the land. Man can use the land, protect and guard it, but not own it. Women can pass on authority of use to the man, but not the life of the earth. When a man hunts, the women come along and claim the meat. If a woman is the Chief's wife, she distributes the choice meat in the village after the hunt, because the women own the meat and the hide. Sharon Venne, (Understanding Treaty 6. p.191).













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            For more on Aboriginal views of governance, visit Peel’s Prairie Provinces.
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