The pipe George carries is as symbolic to Native religion as
the cross to Christianity, and, with it, he leads those who
come to him toward God. When he lights tobacco in it, he
sends prayers skyward to the Great Spirit with the smoke.

The Pipe Spirit
Series Coordinator - Dr. Earle Waugh © 1980 Access
pipe bowl is made of rock, solid and strong. When Saint
Peter went to Rome he stood on a rock and said, 'Upon this
rock I shall build my church.' We hold a pipe and say, 'Upon
this rock I will build my church.' After the Great Spirit
created all other spirits - Mother Earth, the moon, the
stars ... he told his angels he needed one more helper. A
rock stood up and said, 'I will be the one to always be with
the Indian people until the end of the world. When they do
something wrong, I will correct their prayers.' Be careful
of what you say and do, rocks are always near."

Sweet Grass, The Pipe,
and Smoke Offerings
Series Coordinator - Dr. Earle Waugh © 1980 Access
The wooden
pipe-stem is a tree, sacred in all it offers: warmth,
shelter, shade, medicine, tools. Straight and strong, it is
the centre pole (Meili 150) - the focal point - of fasters
in a Sundance lodge as they send their prayers up it,
skyward. George says the tree can be likened to the cross
Christ died upon and the men who dance are angels blowing
trumpets in Jericho.
They then slowly advanced, the horsemen again preceding
them on their approach to my tent. I advanced to meet them,
accompanied by Messrs. Christie and McKay, when the pipe was
presented to us and stroked by our hands.
After the stroking
had been completed, the Indians sat down in front of the
council tent, satisfied that in accordance with their custom
we had accepted the friendship of the Cree nation. In this
statement, Morris underestimated the importance to the
Indians of the pipe-stem ceremony. It signified more than an
offer of friendship, although that was certainly included.
The pipe-stem ceremony was a sacred act undertaken before
conducting any matter of importance. In the presence of the
pipe, "only the truth must be used and any commitment made
in its presence must be kept."
From the point of view of
the government officials, the ceremonial was merely a
picturesque preliminary favoured by Indian custom. To them,
the binding act of making treaty was the signing of the
document at the close of negotiations. This was the mode of
affirming agreements among Europeans. On the other hand, " .
. . the only means used by the Indians to finalize an
agreement or to ensure a final commitment was by the use of
the pipe." |