"In traditional Dunne-za [athapaskans
of the Peace River area] life, every person experienced a
series of childhood vision quests to which he or she
referred in later life as a source of power and identity. By
the time a person had become an established elder of the
ban, his or her ‘medicines,’ as these powers are called in
English, were known to everyone within a circle of related
bands. During the course of a lifetime, what had once been
intensely personal became a focal point of public
information. The circle of a person’s life among the Dunne-za
was a trail of telling secrets.

The Vision Quest Series Coordinator - Dr. Earle Waugh © 1980 Access
The childhood vision quest experience is
private and secret. If a child reveals the story that came
to life during the dream space alone in the bush, the power
may turn against him or her. Only the old people know,
through their dreaming, what story may have possessed a
child away from camp. Only people whose dreams visualize the
trails of animals in the bush can articulate the vision of
children when they are away from camp. Only by dreaming back
to their own encounters which the medicine animals of mythic
times can they see themselves in the visions of children.
When the children return to camp from their time alone, they
sense a balance has been realized between themselves and the
old people. Growing up in the camp, they had come to know
the medicine stories active in the lives of the old people,
but had not yet discovered their own connection to the
medicines. They knew the taste of every kind of meat, the
warmth of fur against their kin, but not the animals
themselves, alive and autonomous. They knew the medicines
within the old people but not these same medicines within
When the children return to camp from the
bush they can look to the old people within themselves. They
can look ahead to the circle of their lives, telling secrets
of the vision quest. In the span of life between child and
old person, the medicine stories of a child’s experience
alone in the bush become an old person’s stories known by
everyone in camp. The stories become real in the theatre of
their telling. They always remain secrets but during the
course of a lifetime become known to a widening circle of
people. By the manner of their telling secrets, Dunne-za
children establish themselves as people of knowledge. Thus
the story of an individual’s life becomes part of the
stories known to all. This diffusion of information balances
the vision quest during which a story known to all becomes
part of the child’s experience" (Ridington 215).