As is well known, in 1991 Chief Justice McEachern of the
Supreme Court of British Columbia dismissed the oral
testimony of elders of the Gitxcan peoples in the so-called
Delgamuukw land claim case. His opinion was overturned by
the Supreme Court of Canada, which found no cause to dismiss
the case out of hand because of oral testimony. In the
Benoit case (2002), the Supreme Court refused to hear
arguments for an appeal of a lower court ruling that had
denied that oral testimony could validate a claim that
Indigenous members of Treaty 8 made regarding the fact that
they had negotiated and been granted a no tax clause in
their Treaty. Yet, most Indigenous people believe that these
cases really say little about the fundamental issues: How,
what and when is oral testimony to be accepted in the
courts? If it categorically does not, it is undercutting the
very foundation by which most territorial and cultural
distinctions are made by Indigenous peoples. Such a
rendering would be regarded by most Native peoples in Canada
to be a betrayal of their rights and their heritage.