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Alberta Online Encyclopedia

Bird Island

Joseph Bird, river pilot on the Peace River and Slave River, 1920. (GAI NA-69-3)

Joseph Bird, river pilot on the Peace River and Slave River, 1920. (GAI NA-69-3)

Category : Island

Joseph Bird, after whom this island was named in 1925, was the son of James Bird, a factor with the HBC. Joseph came from B.C. as a riverman and was well known on the Athabasca River. He became famous after he and James K. Cornwall piloted the SS Northland Echo through the Grand Rapids to Fort McMurray in 1913, the first time such a feat had been attempted. His son William Bird continued in his father’s profession. He started by piloting a sternwheeler in 1922 at the age of 16 and retired in 1972.

National Topographic System (NTS) : 74 E/12
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Concise Place Names of Alberta

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