interviewer (Sab Roncucci) asked if they had come from Chicago with a bundle of money for a new church;
Father Bonelli replied that that was "hardly the case!"
appeal on radio program (Mr. Biagiotto?) for funding; first collection garnered
was church for sale near Sacred Heart (but there were 3 other catholic churches on the same corner already)
96 Street & 108 Avenue
Mr. Giannone (owner of Cromdale Hotel) became business partner/advisor - advice was to wait, find land,
build own church
Mr. Giannone organized, fundraised, & helped construct church in Italian community
discussion of name for church - Santa Maria Goretti was chosen because she was also an immigrant (came from
near Ancona)
documentary film made of Santa Maria Goretti Parish beginning
Mayor Hawrelak was at sod turning Sept.8/58
Sept.11/58, digging began; beautiful fall; by Dec.21/58 church was built and furnished.
Bishop came Christmas Eve to bless church
whole community came together to be part - all contributed in some way
anecdote - Father Bonelli says, "We are recognized as Italians because
our lips are tied with hands," that is, when we move our lips we move our hands.
priest was secretary on Sab Roncucci's trip to Ottawa for the Italian Congress, where it was noted that
Italians (as a group) in Canada were in least trouble with the law; highest for strong family ties.