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     Tony Nimis > Transcript Summary

     Tony Nimis:  Oral History Transcript Summary

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Louis (Luigi)

Mike Biollo

Father Giovanni

Camillo Bridarolli

Mr. & Mrs. Henry

John Camarta

Domenico Chiarello

Joe Fabbri

Mario Grassi

Victor Losa

Filomena Michetti

Mrs. Mamie Meardi

Tony Nimis

Giorgio W. &
Norma Pocaterra

Mr. & Mrs. John

Romano Tedesco &
Mrs. Irma Giacobbo

Angelo Toppano

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Cultural Life:

  • Tony talks about attempts made by him and a few other men to form an Italian Association. When World War ll broke out he was rounded up by authorities because he was an alien. Many other people who were from Italy, Russia, and the Ukraine were also rounded up.
  • He says that all people of European descent, other than the British, were kept down by the government and wider society. Immigrants were thought to be dumb anyway. People of Italian descent were not looked upon favorably. Tony says that even the Germans were treated better than the Italians at this time.
  • Italians in Edmonton were not being defended by the Italian Consuls or authorities, so Tony and his fellow Italians looked after themselves. He says he learned that from the Canadians.
  • Tony does not regret immigrating to Canada, and that it was his number one choice.

Provincial Political Development:

  • Tony says that in 1930-32 it was tough going in every way. He talks about a teacher of German descent running for the Social Credit Party who promised the people of Canada a $25.00 a month, so they voted for him. The Social Credit Party of Alberta helped break the chain of the rich making money off of the poor. He is very happy in Alberta, and is glad he does not live in the East.


  • Tony talks about how he met his wife. One of his friends was an old man who had family in Italy. One of his daughters came over and Tony and her hit it off just fine, so they became lovers and eventually married.
  • Tony jokes that he was really looking for a cook not a wife. His wife joins in the fun by saying Tony knew she could cook before she came over.
  • Mrs. Nimis talks about how hard it was to come over from Italy and have nothing. She even left a boyfriend in Italy. She jokes that she fell in love with Tony because he was better looking than the boyfriend she left in Italy.
  • Both Tony and his wife love living in Alberta.


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