The discussion centred around Mr. Paron's emigration experience,
working, family and community life in British Columbia,
Saskatchewan and Alberta.
- Describes early years -home, school, family - in
Italy. Came to Canada when he was 14
- Describes voyage from home to Michel, B.C. where he
joined his brothers who worked the coal mines in the
- Played music in a band.
- Sent for mail order bride from the old country.
- Moved to Saskatchewan where he & his wife
homesteaded for 25 years. Describes married life;
delivered own son. Describes Cutknife community;
building of Italian church.
- Moved to Edmonton. Acquaintanceship with Mr. Butti.
- Industrial Machine Shop, Inventor- businessman. Son
took over business.
- Family, friends, activities in Edmonton.
- Founding and construction of Santa Maria Goretti
- Feelings about Edmonton, Canada and Italy.
- Family -one daughter, one son; son's marriage to
Ukrainian girl; granddaughter has two children
- No recollection of Italian organizations, newspapers -
"they're just starting now" (1983)
- Gives reasons for his opposition to construction of
new church hall.
- Issues - economy poor in 1930s; never felt
discriminated against; Italians had reputation of solid,
law-abiding citizens. War years - brother went to
Italy in his stead.
- Describes a community history book that contains
details and photos of his homesteading years.
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