Pulp mill sludges dramatically increase crop and wood
ARC's groundbreaking work on land application of
mechanical pulp and paper mill sludges continues to produce
impressive results. Farmland treated with sludges has produced crop
yield increases form two to five times greater than control land for
at least six growing seasons.
ARC is currently investigating whether the sludges can
economically replace commercial fertilizers to achieve target yield.
Demand for the sludge has made it necessary for farmers to stockpile
it in the fields over the winter to ensure availability for spring
seeding. ARC is also studying the use of pulp mill sludges for
forest regeneration.
White spruce and pine seedlings planted with sludge
treatment have produced two to three times the volume of wood
produced by controls over the past six years and achieved Alberta's
regeneration standards on to three years sooner than the controls.
Current studies are aimed at developing forest management strategies
using sludges to maximize wood production.
Reproduced from ARC 1999 Annual Report
with permission from the Alberta Research Council.