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Virtual Museum of Canada The Making of Treaty #8 in Canada's Northwest
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1899 and After

Treaty 8 Exhibit

Treaty medal from the Treaty 8 ExhibitIn 1999 Spirit of the Peace Museums produced an exhibit based on the Diaries of Charles Mair from, Through The Mackenzie Basin, a book that accounts the 1899-1900 Treaty and Scrip commissions. The exhibit took the form of a panel display including archival photographs of Treaty and Scrip negotiators, signers, commissioners, travels and lifestyle from the Alberta Provincial Archives, The Glenbow Archives and the National Archives of Canada. 

The Photos were enriched with text from the Charles Mair Treaty and Scrip commission accounts. The Display was used as a visual and textual resource for the 1999 Treaty 8 conference, and has since then becoming a travelling exhibit. The materials within the display have broadened understanding of the 1899-1900 time period and given a glimpse into the life of the people involved in the treaty and scrip commission and negotiations in the Treaty 8 area. 

Treaty 8 exhibit as displayed at Dunvegan, 2001

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