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Alberta Online Encyclopedia
Virtual Museum of Canada The Making of Treaty #8 in Canada's Northwest
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1899 and After

1899 and After: Retrospective and Contemporary Issues

Treaty #8 House

To this day there remain many complex and issues around the signing and implementation of Treaty 8. Some of these issues, such as the terms agreed to, are a result of the fact that the Treaty was drawn up over one hundred years ago. As society has changed, so too have opinions and interpretations of the intent and relevance of the Treaty in modern times. Yet while society grows and evolves, the Treaty terms have remained unchanged.

In this section we will explore not only the impact the Treaty has had on the ancestors of those who adhered to it over a century ago, but also some of the unresolved issues that continue to surround the implementation of the Treaty itself.  In doing so, we hope to foster and sustain a dialogue that has already begun, and is moving towards creating a much more complete picture of this very sensitive part of our history, both as a province and as a nation.  

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