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Alberta Online Encyclopedia
The Métis in Western Canada: O-Tee-Paym-Soo-Wuk

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The BeginningsThe People and Their CommunitiesCulture and Lifeways
The Taiga

The fur trade began in the bush of the Canadian Shield, making a business from the industry of the aboriginal people. The bush or "taiga" in Canada extends from Labrador in a band clear across the upper portion of the continent. This area is known for mixed forest of poplars, birch, pine, spruce, combined with swampy areas and many small lakes and rivers.

The wildlife is composed of members of the deer family, two varieties of large cat, and two of the dog family, as well as many varieties of small furred mammals. The lakes are filled with fish and waterfowl. There are few reptile and amphibian species due to the low seasonal temperatures.

The ecology of the taiga is such that the land has a relatively low carrying capacity, with few of the large species per hectare. The First Nations who live in the taiga have adapted their culture to that low carrying capacity. They live in small bands, and move gently across the land, staying in each location for short periods. They gather together into larger assemblies according to the seasons. They determine the seasons by closely following the patters and cycles of nature, such as when waterfowl are nesting and fish are spawning.

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The Taiga

The Prairies

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            For more on Métis Alberta, visit Peel’s Prairie Provinces.
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