Western Settlements During the fur trade, communities of wage
employees, voyageurs, and hunters and trappers and their families
surrounded trading posts. This practice began in the posts on the Bay,
where fur trade families did not officially exist, but lived outside the
post, as members of the "House" Indians. Over time, these communities
grew, in the same way the Great Lakes Métis communities developed. By
the mid-nineteenth century, some of the larger posts were spawning more
communities. Fort Ellice, Fort Carlton and Fort Pitt had a connection to
the Aboriginals in the nearby reserves. Through the work of
missionaries, Fort Edmonton, a larger centre, had set up communities for
the Aboriginals in the area, including the mission colony at Pigeon
Lake. They also assisted the Métis at Lac Ste Anne and St. Albert in
settling down into an agricultural life. There were also similar communities at
Lac la Biche and Lesser Slave Lake, at Fort McMurray and Fort Chipewyan.
The prairie forts, Ellice, Carlton, Pitt and Edmonton, were part of the
provisioning trade, and their communities were attached to the buffalo
hunt. Both Peter Erasmus and Norbert Welsh described a setting on the
plains where small family groups would join together and link up with
Aboriginal bands. Father Lacombe, talking about later movements,
described the families from Victoria and St. Paul de Métis flooding
south to hunt buffalo, in a long-held seasonal pattern.
Buffalo hunters pressed into the plains from Red River and the
Assiniboine, moved south onto the plains from Carlton, Pitt and
Edmonton. As the distances increased, the buffalo hunters established
communities on the plains. Peter Erasmus described a very large camp at
Beaverhill Lake, a short distance southeast of Edmonton. As the buffalo
strayed further away from settlements, the buffalo hunters began to set
up around Buffalo Lake and Tail Creek, east of the Red Deer River
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