Rivalry and Union(1821)/Seven Oaks Before the amalgamation of the
North West Company and The Hudson’s Bay Company in 1821, the rivalry
between the two companies led to a short lived but bloody battle (or
massacre) in Seven Oaks - a few miles from the HBC's Fort Douglas in the
Red River Settlement. This was a time when both companies were
experiencing an economic decline and as such sought to extend their
territory. Lord Selkrik and his partners bought up most of the shares in
the HBC and then requested and received from the crown an extension of
the HBC’s territory beyond Rupert’s Land into what is present day
southern Manitoba. Selkirk then brought in new settlers into the area
which naturally made the Métis in the area feel encroached upon. They
also felt that this settlement would be used as a base for the HBC to
further penetrate the area. Adding to the tension the Métis were not
consulted about the new settlement and the NWC traders encouraged the
Métis to view this move as threatening.
The new settlers were not adept at surviving in the new environment
and therefore depended on the pemmican supplies and buffalo provided for
them by Métis. Not wanting to create a situation of dependence on the
Métis and Aboriginals in the area Miles Macdonnell, governor of the
colony, issued a proclamation in 1814 against the export of pemmican and
he also issued a proclamation forbidding the running of buffalo. Both
actions were a blow to the Métis and also helped confirm the new colony
was not inclined to recognise their rights in the region. The Métis
decided to organise their forces under Cuthbert Grant, the son of a Cree
mother and a NWC partner.
In 1815 the NWC’s men somehow convinced Macdonnell to leave the
colony, upon his departure Macdonnell was besieged by Métis attackers.
His replacement Peter Fidler, a prominent Métis, disbanded the colony
but the colonists returned within a few months under new leadership. The
new governor, Robert Semple, was insensitive towards the Métis and NWC
traders, and as such he reinstated the pemmican ban. In March 1816 he
ordered the seizure of Fort Gibraltor, an NWC trading post. A chance
meeting at Seven Oaks resulted in the death of twenty colonists as well
as Semple himself, the Métis lost only one man. The remaining colonists
fled and the entire episode was never entirely resolved until the death
of Selkirk and the merger of the two trading companies.
The most noteworthy aspect of the battle was that it was one of the
first times the Métis stood up as a nation to fight off the oppression
of the HBC.
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Rivalry and Union(1821)/Seven Oaks
Trade at Red River
Battle of
Grand Coteau
Provisional Government (1869-1870)
Manitoba Act and Scrip
Post 1886: Rupture and Drift
Political Agitation (1870s and 1880s)
North-West Rebellion (1885 and after)