The Alberta Federation of Metis Settlements Formed (1973) The
Alberta Federation of Métis Settlements was formed in 1973, under the
leadership of founding fathers Adrian Hope, Maurice L'Hirondelle,
Lawrence Desjarlais, Sam Johnson, and Richard Poitras. Some sources
indicate that the Alberta Federation of Métis Settlements was formed in
1971. Another source has it being formed in 1975, when in fact, the
Federation was "incorporated" under the Societies Act on May 28, 1975.
The Federation was formed to fight for Métis land security and to
obtain local legislative authority. They particularly wanted to take
control away from the provincial Métis Development Branch. After years of
seeking legal recognition as a distinct people, Canada's Métis were
finally explicitly identified. In 1982, the existing Aboriginal and
Treaty rights of Canada’s Aboriginal peoples received constitutional
protection. Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982 states:
- The existing aboriginal and treaty rights of the aboriginal
peoples of Canada are hereby recognized and affirmed.
- In this Act, "aboriginal peoples of Canada" includes the Indian,
Inuit and Métis peoples of Canada.
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Metis Association of Alberta
Ewing Commission (1934-1936)
The Metis Betterment Act (1938)
The Alberta Federation of Metis Settlements Formed (1973)
MacEwan Joint Metis-Government Committee (1982-1984)
Resolution 18 Incorporated (1985)
Metis Settlements Accord Adopted (1989)
Metis Settlements General Council
Metis Rights: Regina vs. Powley
Who Are Metis?
Harvesting Rights for Alberta's Metis |