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The Métis in Western Canada: O-Tee-Paym-Soo-Wuk

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Métis people have a strong presence in filmmaking, as they do in many other areas of creative endeavour. Many use the medium of film to express their experiences, history, and culture.

The well-known Métis author, Maria Campbell has also written plays and owns her own video production company that produced seven documentary works between 1985 and 1997. Campbell was also the first to produce the weekly Aboriginal television series entitled My Partners, My People.

Métis writer and director Gregory Coyes produced the documentary film, How the Fiddle Flows with Streaming Fiddles Media and the National Film Board of Canada. It was a historical account of fiddle music and Métis dancing.

Graham Thompson, a creative Métis producer works in digital and new media and won the Special Jury Award when he presented his film The First Sunrise at the MEFEST, which was the International Ecological Tourist and Sport Festival, held in Zlatibor, Serbia.

Métis and First Nations filmmaking includes a strong contingent of actors that includes performers like Andrea Menard who is well known as a musician and singer. She also has acted on stage and has appeared in Tri-Mark Picture’s, Skipped Parts, the television series, Moccasin Flats, Shaw Cable’s, Project Discovery, Buffalo Tracks by APTN, SCN’s Indigenous Circle and Metcom, John Ketcham’s I Accuse, and Anne Wheeler’s Betrayed.

Métis writer and actress Gail Maurice appeared in CBC’s Big Bear, as well as PSI Factor. She has also appeared in ShowTime’s, Street Time and had a role in the film Johnny Greyeyes.

There are many others who are working successfully in all forms of film and television. Métis writers, directors, producers and actors have continued to experience success as they have demonstrated their outstanding talent.

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