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The Métis in Western Canada: O-Tee-Paym-Soo-Wuk

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Buffalo Lake Métis Gathering

The Hivernant Cultural Society began holding its Annual Hivernant Rendezvous in 2003. The event is a Métis Cultural Festival in Big Valley (near Buffalo Lake) created to bring Métis from across Canada together, and to invite the general public to attend and learn about Métis traditions and culture.

Traditional crafts, art, and food are provided as well as traditional Métis dances. The festival also provides an opportunity for Métis to gather information about genealogy.

The Hivernant Rendezvous provides those who attend, the opportunity to participate in voyager games that are made up of traditional competitions. These competitions include such events as the 540-pound sack carry, 180 pound sack carry, cream can carry, and the 300-pound pole carry. The winner of these competitions is judged on both the time it takes to complete the task, and what distance they can carry the load.

Added to these activities are the hatchet throw, where the contestants have to hit a large wooden target with the winner being the one who gets the most hatchets the closest to the centre. Each contestant has three chances in the throw.

The Hivernant Rendezvous is held each year to strengthen and teach about Métis culture and traditions.

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St-Paul_des_Métis Dance Troupe, Circa 1920

Buffalo Lake Métis Gathering


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            For more on Métis Alberta, visit Peel’s Prairie Provinces.
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