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Fogolar Furlan of Edmonton

The Fogolar Furlan Society of Edmonton, started in 1981, is an organization that wishes to maintain and promote the culture and traditions of the Friuli Region of Italy. Our goals are

• to develop and promote community spirit among Italian-Canadians from the Friuli Region of Italy
• to preserve the heritage, customs and culture of the Friuli Region
• to promote and undertake cultural and social festivals consistent with the above goals.
Our Activities
• Social functions (e.g. dinner/dances, picnics) at which traditional foods are served and activities undertaken
• Expressions of solidarity with and support for society members and Italian-Canadian community as a whole
• Undertaking activities related thereto (e.g. Society Newsletter, visiting the infirm and tributes to deceased members)
• Meetings and communication with similar groups in Canada and with the Friuli Region of Italy.