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Franco-Albertan Games

You don’t have to be a superstar athlete to compete at the Alberta Francophone Games (AFG), but you do need to be able to speak French. Created in 1992 by the Francophonie Jeunesse de l'Alberta (FJA), the AFG is an annual weekend sporting and cultural event for young Albertans between the ages of 12 and 18. Students are recruited from Alberta's French and French immersion schools in the hopes that they will strengthen the Franco-Albertan identity by forming lasting community relationships. In addition to events in soccer, volleyball, track and field, basketball and badminton, students are encouraged to participate in daytime workshops and evening entertainment. The event is competitive, but students of all abilities can attend. The success of the Games can be measured by its growth: the first games in 1992 attracted 150 participants. The year 2000 saw that number swell to 2,000. If you can speak French then you should check this out!