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Immigration, Italian

Italian people have been coming to Canada for many years—the most well known being Giovanni Caboto [John Cabot]. In the 18th century and early part of the 19th century, they came as mercenaries (someone who wants to make money) and even missionaries.
The major reason these people left Italy for Canada was the unification of Italy. By 1870, southern Italians believed their needs were being ignored by the northern states. As well, a poor economy and unemployment forced Italians from other regions to look for work in other countries. Beginning in the 1880s, their main destination was the United States, but they also began to come to Canada. They worked on the railways, forestry camps, mines, construction—anywhere that strong hands and back could help them to gain a living. Join us in this section as we look at about 150 years of Italian settlement history in Canada.


The Global Gathering Place - An overview of Italian Canadian History from 1880 to 1979.

The beginnings of Italian Immigration

Oliva Giovanni Biollo 's Home

Oliva Giovanni Biollo 's Home