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Beaverhill Natural Area is about 10 kilometres east of Tofield, and provides an excellent opportunity to view many hundreds of migrating waterbirds and shorebirds, as well as songbirds and hawks, each spring and autumn. The best route to Beaverhill Lake is from the south at Francis Point or from the east at Mundare beach.

This Natural area is fairly small in size, comprising part of the shore of Beaverhill Lake and the Dekker and Pelican Islands. It helps to protect one of Alberta's most renowned resting areas for migratory birds. Migratory birds are birds that move from one place to another, usually in summer and winter. The large amount of shoreline and variety of marshes, fields and aspen woods adjoining the large lake provide many different habitats.

Beaverhill Lake has attracted bird watchers to its shores for many years. In 1984, a group of birders began what is now officially named the Beaverhill Bird Observatory. This group is dedicated to promoting public interest in birds, and their activities include banding birds, counting birds, setting up nest boxes for a variety of species, undertaking detailed research on bird behaviour and habitat needs and acting as Volunteer Steward.

The Beaverhill Natural Area benefits from the interest of a number of parties. Cooperation among local land owners, the Beaverhill Bird Observatory, Ducks Unlimited and Alberta Forestry, Lands and Wildlife have both served to protect this site as an internationally known location for bird watching.

If you visit Beaverhill, please make sure that your activities do not disturb the wildlife or damage any of the natural features of the site.

For more information on this wonderful natural site, check out Alberta Sustainable Development's online Alberta Wildlife Viewing Guide, Beaverhill Natural Area!

Bird Feeding

Bird Feeding