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There is always work to be done on a farm. It never stops. Farmers are some of the hardest working people in Alberta. They have to feed animals, fix machines, plant crops, harvest crops, and even help animals give birth! Next time you see a farmer you should thank them for all their hard work because without them we might starve. Where did you think all of the food came from?

During the early years in Canada, when the settlers still relied on oxen, farming methods did not differ much from those in the Old Country, although better quality ploughs and other tools had been purchased.

Prior to 1910 seeding was done by hand on most farms. The farmer walked about the field scattering handfuls of grain which he took out of a bag tied to his waist. This took a long, long time!

The busiest time of the year was at harvest-time. Harvesting involved cutting and gathering the crops, stacking and storing them, and eventually threshing the grain. At first most settlers harvested and threshed their crops by hand.

Rotary Self-Rake Reaper

Rotary Self-Rake Reaper