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Fur Trade

Both archaeological evidence and the oral traditions of First Nations show that trade was a part of life in Alberta from the earliest of times. Most trade goods have long since disappeared, but some are easily traced. For example, certain types of rock used to make tools and projectile points were transported hundreds, even thousands, of kilometers. Types of obsidian, a kind of volcanic glass, and flint that came from very specific sources in what is now the northern United States or British Columbia have been found in archaeological sites throughout Alberta. Obviously these rocks did not get up and move by themselves. This indicates that systems of trade existed long before any European traders arrived in what would become Alberta.

By the early 18th century (1700s) First Nations throughout the western interior of North America were trading horses, furs, buffalo robes, supplies, and even European trade goods amongst themselves. Fur trade records make it clear that some Cree and Assiniboine groups had begun a very profitable trade with other Indians. They exchanged trade goods acquired at French posts in southern Manitoba or from English posts on Hudson Bay for furs and other goods produced by people unable or unwilling to make the long journey to European trading posts. In the north, a similar pattern developed. Chipewyan/Dene traders took furs down to Churchill on Hudson Bay and then traded excess goods for more furs on their return to the interior. This "middleman" trade meant the first European goods to reach Alberta probably arrived more than 50 years before the first recorded visit of a European trader to the area.

Strolling through a Hudson's Bay Company store today, it is difficult to locate any traces or remains of the legacy of the Fur Trade that shaped the nation and established the world's oldest retail corporation. The Fur Trade came to Canada as the result of simple supply and demand economics. The demand in Europe during the 17th, 18th and 19th Centuries for fur was largely because of a fashion trend. The most sought after of pelts was the beaver, for the fine layer of its fur could be used to make the most stylish hats and adornments at that time. As the quest for such rich pelts intensified, the European fur-traders became better organized and found themselves having to move farther and farther inland (west) from Hudson Bay to acquire this profitable item. Initially the Hudson's Bay Trading Company tried to entice the native's from the west to bring furs to their posts in the east, such as Fort Charles, Fort Nelson, Moose Factory and Fort Churchill, to trade for a variety of European goods, however this did not work as well as they had hoped. By the end of the 18th Century, the Hudson's Bay Company had begun to construct posts all across Rupert's Land.

Artist Conception of Fort Victoria.

Artist Conception of Fort Victoria.

Blackfoot Confederacy chiefs at Fort Macleod, Alberta, 1875.

Blackfoot Confederacy chiefs at Fort Macleod, Alberta, 1875.

Shell beads and pieces of copper.

Shell beads and pieces of copper.

Trade Room at Fort Whoop-Up.

Trade Room at Fort Whoop-Up.

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Christmas at the Fort

The Beginning of The Fur Trade