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Yesteryear Museum

The Yesteryear Artifacts Museum is located at Rowley, 3 km West of Hwy 56. The hours of operation are May to August, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sundays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. year round for brunch, or tours by appointment. The governing authority is the Rowley Community Hall Association and there is no admission fee though donations are gratefully accepted.

The collection at the railroad museum includes artifacts and displays of early settlers, 10 buildings, including a one room country school with teachers residence, a country store with “Queen’s Room,” “Movie Theatre” and “Hairdressing Salon,” an authentic western saloon, a reconstructed pool hall, an old garage, a historic church, a bank, a boxcar, and three elevators. Students will be interested in the prairie school outfitted with teacher and pupils. They might be interested in the pool hall too!

The Yesteryear Artifacts Museum does not currently offer specific education programs, however tours are available for students. Contact the museum for further information. Many commercials,documentaries and the movie Bye Bye Blues have been filmed in Rowley, thus the nickname “Rowleywood” was adopted in 1988. Students may be interested in learning about how these were done, including watching some of the commercials in our ‘Theatre’Yesteryear Artifacts Museum General Delivery Rowley, Alberta T0J 2J0 Phone: (403) 368-3816/2276 Fax: (403) 368-2276 Admission by donation.