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| NAIL Flat sided nail. |
| NAIL Flat sided nail. |
| nail 2, 2 1/4 " handmade metal nails with flat, jagged heads. the heads are 1/4 " wide tapering to 1/8 " on the end of the nail. The nails have four sides & are squared off at the ends. The ends of the nails are dull and jagged. |
| National Willow Charcoal Lozenges Valuable remedy for sour stomach, heartburn, bad breath and many forms of indigestion. |
| necklace Blue and white beaded mecklace. Design includes yellow, orange and green beads. Pendant part has three leather backed circles: two smaller ones on top of a larger one with beaded fringe. |
| NEEDLE Needle has .5 cm eye. |
| NEEDLE, LACING Needle has large handmade eye and has an irregular shaft. |
| Neon Sign Brought to the museum after Revelstoke closed it's Alix branch. Alice Whitfield remembers the sign being in the office when it was the Alberta Lumber Co., and her father-in-law was the manager before 1950. |
| NEWSPAPER Twenty-four page anniversary edition of the Olds Gazette, printed September 8, 1955, celebrating the fiftieth annivervsary of the Town of Olds. |
| NEWSPAPER Tabloid size "community service" paper has photographs, advertising and TV lisitings. |
| NEWSPAPER Tabloid size newspaper has news items, advertising and phographs. |
| NEWSPAPER Tabloid size newspaper has news items, advertising and photographs |
| NEWSPAPER Tabloid size newspaper has news, advertising and photgraphs. Pages three and four are missing and pages twenty-three and twenty-four have a piece missing. |
| NEWSPAPER Tabloid size newspaper has news and advertising. |