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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia

People of the Boreal Forest Photo Gallery

This gallery of photographs taken by Terry Garvin over a period of 50 years is a dynamic part of the People of the Boreal Forest Website, which is part of the Alberta Online Encyclopedia. The site was developed as an Aboriginal Centennial project by the Heritage Community Foundation in partnership with Terry Garvin and the Aseniwuche Winewak First Nation. Funding support was provided by Alberta Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development (now Alberta Aboriginal Relations).

Margarete Beauregard Cecile Young Lucy Wanyandie Daniel Marcel and Archie Cardinal
Cecile Young The children of George and Katy Sanderson Noreen and Archie Cardinal checking blueberry plants Gloria Wanyandie
Fred McDonald «Granny» Powder Moose Antler Discussion
Frank Ladouceur Roderick Fraser Dogrib Indian people in a tea dance The Marcels
Sophie Noskiye Willis Flett Dogrib people entertained George Noskiya
Elise Lapine and Vitalin Flett Lucy Wanyandie Bill and Mary Whitehorse Archie Cardinal
Franscois Yellowknife

Changing Ways
A parade float A parade float Frieghter Canoes Frieghter Canoes
Terry Garvin on a snowmobile A dogteam crossing Tent Frame TV Aerial
Francois Orr Burial Site Near Chipewyan Snowmobiles  Recreational and Ceremonial pow-wow
Speedboat Wood Cutting and Hauling Dominion Survey Roman Catholic Church
Post Office New Houses T-Dance Ceremony Nancy and Bill Woodward
Ground Fireplace Steel Trap Table Knife

Katy Sanderson cooking a fish Katy Sanderson cooking a fish Louie Martin fishing by net Malatere Sanderson, Mary Rose Cardinal, Mary Sanderson-Hainault, Robert Armit.
title Emily Champagne and George Wanderingspirit Harry Burke George Noskiye (left) and Erick Bigstone
Tom Wayandie Norman and Adelaide McDonald Norman and Adelaide McDonald Norman and Adelaide McDonald
Norman and Adelaide McDonald Norman and Adelaide McDonald Norman and Adelaide McDonald
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