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Holy Bible.
Authorized King James Version. Corporation of the President of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. 1979.
The Epistle to the Romans in the Cree Language, Oonikup: 1897.
Aanti, Armand. The Writing on the Wall, UNESCO Courier, 51l4, Apr 1998, pp 10-17.
Ahenakew, Beth and Sam Hardlotte.
Cree Legends Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Indian Cultural College, 1973.
Ahenakew, Rev. Edward. "An Opinion of the Frog Lake Massacre." Alberta Historical Review, Vol.8, No.3, pp 9-15, 1960.
Ahenakew, Rev. Edward. "Cree Trickster Tales." The Journal Of American Folklore, Vol.42, Oct-Dec, pp 309-353, 1929.
Ahenakew, Rev. Edward. "Old Religious Beliefs of the Cree." The Native Voice, Vol.8, No.3, pp 1-8, Vancouver, 1954.
Aitken, J. "Farewell to a Canadian Wilderness:James Bay Indians and the Hydroelectric Project." International Wildlife, Vol.5, 4-11, January, 1975.
Albanese, Catherine L.
Nature Religion in America: From the Algonkian Indians to the New Age(Chicago History of American Religion). University of Chicago, 1990.
Alexander, M.H.T. "Indian Days at Forts of the West." Edmonton Journal, Vol.21, No.73, Saturday, Oct.11.1924.
Allen, R. S. "Big Bear." Saskatchewan History, 1972, Winter, Vol.25, No.1, p.1.
Anderson, Anne, Songs of the Earth Spirit. Edmonton, 1973.
Anderson, Anne.
Herbs of Long Ago, Edmonton, Alberta, p.57, 1,2, 1982.
Anderson, Anne. Awasis. Edmonton, 1972.
Anderson, Anne. Cree Language, Edmonton, 1970.
Anderson, Anne. Cree Tenses, Edmonton, 1972.
Anderson, Anne. Inanimate Outline Drawings, Edmonton, 1970.
Anderson, Anne. Introduction to Vowel Sounds and Drawings, Edmonton, 1970.
Anderson, Anne. Let's Learn Cree-Namoya Ayiman, Edmonton, 1970.
Anderson, Anne. Little Hunter Book-Machesis, Edmonton, 1972.
Anderson, Anne. Neheyawewin-Cree Phrases, Edmonton, 1970.
Anderson, Anne. Read and Write-Ayamichikewin Mena Musinanikewin, Edmonton, 1972.
Anderson, Anne. Wapi, Edmonton, 1972.
Anderson, Dr. Anne Some Native Herbal Remedies, as told to Anne Anderson by Luke Chalifaux. ed. by J. Paton, Edmonton (Friends of the Devonian Botanic Garden Publication No. 8A, rev'd. April, 1980). Available at the University of Alberta Alberta Library
Anderson, Dr. Anne, Learning Cree, Edmonton, 1971.