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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia

Columbia Icefield
A view of the Glacier

Columbia Icefield. Global warming in the past 40 years has greatly reduced the size of the Athabasca Glacier, as can be seen by comparing these two photographs. This one, taken in 1997, shows the thinning toe of the glacier in a line with an outcropping of rock in the bottom right; the next photo, taken in 1960, shows the rock well behind the glacier.

Global warming in the past 40 years has greatly reduced the size of the Athabasca Glacier, as can be seen by comparing these two photographs. This one, taken in 1997, shows the thinning toe of the glacier in a line with an outcropping of rock in the bottom right;
the next photo, taken in 1960, shows the rock well behind the glacier.

Photo courtesy of Heartland Associates, Inc.
Photo by Peter St. John and Dennis Pankiw.

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