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Brief overview of the history of some Aboriginal tools

Brief overview of the history of some Aboriginal tools
Brief overview of the history of some Aboriginal tools

French overview of the history of some aboriginal tools

French overview of the history of some aboriginal tools
French overview of the history of some aboriginal tools

Brightly-coloured Fur Trade quilt

Brightly-coloured Fur Trade quilt
Brightly-coloured Fur Trade quilt

Slightly ornate kettle of the Fur Trade era

Slightly ornate kettle of the Fur Trade era
Slightly ornate kettle of the Fur Trade era

Needles and mending materials

Needles and mending materials
Needles and mending materials

Fur Trade era pot for boiling water

Fur Trade era pot for boiling water
Fur Trade era pot for boiling water

Pot used to boil water in front of some other common fur trade items

Pot used to boil water in front of some other common fur trade items
Pot used to boil water in front of some other common fur trade items

Some tools made from the bones and teeth of animals

Some tools made from the bones and teeth of animals
Some tools made from the bones and teeth of animals

An aboriginal woman sewing and her tools

An aboriginal woman sewing and her tools
An aboriginal woman sewing and her tools

Pictorial diagram showing the creation of stone tools

Pictorial diagram showing the creation of stone tools
Pictorial diagram showing the creation of stone tools

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