"According to Lakota kinship system, the father and
all his brothers are called até (father) and the
mother and all her sisters are called iná (mother).
The people called tuwín or aunt under this system
were the father’s sisters and the people called leksí
(uncles) were the mother’s brothers. These were no mere
courtesy titles such as the practice of calling an older
person ‘uncle’ or ‘aunt’ in the non-indian world. The
child’s father’s brothers were ‘real; fathers having all the
rights and responsibilities the biological father had. The
same was true for the mother’s sisters. Thus, in case of the
death of the biological father and mother, the child had
other parents who were parents all along, and the void
created by the death of both parents was less traumatic that
it might have been" (Bunge 93).

The Maximum Population
for a Camp
Interviewer - Earle Waugh, PhD.