"The chief told about their Warrior Societies – police or
protective organizations. Among the Blackfoot was a series
of men’s societies, in which membership was based on age and
which were the dominating factor in the tribal organization.
The power of the head-chief depended on his cooperation with
these societies. Their definite order, ranging from youth to
old age … The function of these age societies was primarily
to preserve order in the camp and on the hunt, to punish
offenders against the public welfare, and to cultivate the
military spirit" (McClintok 1937: 11).
Societies in Cree Tradition
Interviewer - Earle Waugh, PhD.
Brings Down the Sun speaks, "I myself was a member of the
Braves, the most powerful of all the men’s societies in my
time. It was started long ago by a man who had a strong
dream. He saw a band of dogs and the way they acted. The
Braves ruled the camp and helped our chiefs to keep order.
We punished men and women who quarrelled, and sometimes
killed people who disobeyed our orders. When it was time for
our tribe to move camp, we were accustomed to march around
with the beating of drums and singing, each member carried a
knife, a bow, and a quiver filled with arrows, we stayed
behind and ate the food that was left; and, like dogs, we
followed slowly, entering camp after all the lodges were
pitched. We placed our big society lodge in the center of
camp, and on the morning we danced, took possession early" (qtd
McClinktok 12).
"The Dove Society was originated by a man named Change
Camp. In a dream some doves gave him the dance. They said to
him: ‘Gather together a band of people of all sizes, both
young men and boys that have no power in the tribe. If they
band themselves together, they will become strong and
everyone will fear them … the Doves had no regard for
anyone. If a prominent chief did not do as they said, they
continually annoyed him and played many tricks … if a woman
was going to pick berries and they ordered her not to do so,
but she disobeyed, they awaited her return and spilled her
berries, or they took long willow sticks and beat the
berries from the bushes where she was at work. The always
took one woman into their society who liked to dig roots and
pick berries, so they could have an abundance for their
feasts. The head-chief, and even the powerful societies,
overlooked these things and excused them, saying: ‘the Doves
are young and foolish, and will do anything to have their
own way. It is bad to oppose them" (qtd McClintok 14-15). |