The Edmonton Committee of the Dante
Alighieri Society was established in 1961. Its major
objectives are:
- to promote an appreciation of the Italian culture
- to promote closer ties among Italians abroad;
- to establish and direct courses of Italian Language
and Culture for children and for adults of any national
- to promote a better understanding and appreciation of
ht Canadian Multicultural society and citizenship within
the Italian community;
- to establish a library open to the general public.
The Society is one of the 425 branches all over the world affiliated with the headquarters of the Societa Dante Alighieri in Rome.
It is also a member of the "National Congress of Italian Canadians",
the "Northern Alberta Heritage Language Association" and of the "Edmonton Multicultural Society."
The Dante Alighieri Society is committed to the promotion of an integrated society tolerant of cultural diversity and to the fostering of a culturally aware and linguistically-competent Canadian
In addition to running a Community School of Italian
Language and Culture and to organizing various cultural
conferences and musical concerts, the committee has been,
and in most cases still is, actively involved in the
following organizations:
- Court of Canadian Citizenship;
- Edmonton Citizenship Council;
- Edmonton United Nation Association;
- Human Rights Committee;
- Edmonton Opera Society;
- United Way Charitable Organization;
- Radio Station "CKUR" with the program
"Italian Panorama";
- Fund raising for the "Vajont Disaster",
Italy, (1963) and the "Pro Venezia Committee";
- Project "Italy Today" in collaboration with
"The Bay" (1964);
- Edmonton Centennial Lirary (donated a bust of Dante
Alighieri and various Italian books in 1967);
- Provincial Archives, 1974, (donated an oral historical
research of Italians in Alberta by interviewing a number
of Italian pioneers in various provincial locations);
- Alberta Cultural Heritage Council;
- Edmonton Heritage Days Festival
- National Congress of Italian-Canadians;
- Edmonton Multicultural Society;
- Northern Alberta Heritage Languages Association;
- The "Dante" has cooperated and is
cooperating with the various community Italian
organizations and with the Santa Maria Goretti parish.
Dante Alighieri Society
14230-133 Avenue
Edmonton AB T5L 4W4
Reny Clericuzio, President
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