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   Mr. and Mrs. Enrico Butti > Oral History Excerpts

   Mr. and Mrs. Enrico Butti:  Oral History Excerpts

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Raffaele Albi

Mr. and Mrs.
Enrico Butti

Mr. & Mrs.
Domenico Chiarello
(Nella Anselmo)

Gus & Assunta Dotto
(Emilia Raffin)

 Attilio & Stella Gatto

Gus Lavorato

Giovanni Paron

Louie Protti

Mr. & Mrs. Sartor

Sam Scrivano

Silvio Tona

Paolo Veltri

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In the following excerpt, Mr. Butti talks of war-time experience and Fascism in Edmonton and issue of citizenship. He was investigated because he was President of the Italian Society. He is told that he cannot leave town but points out that his work requires him to do so. 

War-time Experience
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In the following excerpt, Mr. Butti talks of the formation of the Cristofero Colombo soccer club; meeting in the basement of Sacred Heart Church; talk of building a clubhouse; decide instead to see about building a church to serve the Italian community in view of the large amount of money required. 

Cristofero Colombo Soccer Club Formation 
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In the following excerpt, Mr. Butti talks about the early Italian community in Edmonton (1916-17) and notes that it comprised mostly retired miners; mentions the Consular Agent Felice DeAngelis, who started the settlement in Venice.

Early Italian Community in Edmonton
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In the following excerpt, Mr. Butti talks of the education level of early immigrants and the fact that they needed help in writing letters, conducting business; he speaks of helping them himself but also of the Consular Agents and how they helped (mentions that they were not paid for by the Italian government but by the immigrants who needed help). 

Education Level of Early Immigrants
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In the following excerpt, Mr. Butti talks about of the society known as the Figli d'Italia [Sons of Italy], which originated in the U.S. in New York but also had branches in Canada; these were called in the West, the Fiori d'Italia [Flowers of Italy]; this society was headquartered in Ferni, B.C. and provided insurance coverage; he was corresponding secretary of the Cesare Battisti Society in Nordegg, and also of the Grand Lodge of Ferni. He also mentions a society in Saunders Creek and the Vittorio Emanuele Society in Calgary, as well as societies in Lethbridge and the Crowsnest Pass. They helped people who were sick and members contributed funds. They met about once a month and also helped Italian workers who were exploited and who could not speak for themselves.

Figli d'Italia Society
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In the following excerpt, Mr. Butti speaks of the Hillcrest Mine explosion in 1914, one of the biggest in Canada; his Father was the electrician at the Bellevue Mine and was one of the first to arrive to help. In about 1980, he and his wife Myra went to visit friends in Kelowna and stopped to visit the cemetery, which he found in a state of disrepair. On his return, he wrote a letter to The Edmonton Journal and spoke to someone at the Provincial Museum about doing some work on the cemetery. He also contacted the Crowsnest Historical Society. 

Hillcrest Mine Explosion - 1914
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