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   Romano Tedesco & Mrs. Irma Giacobbo > Oral History Transcript 

   Romano Tedesco and Mrs. Irma Giacobbo 

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Louis (Luigi)

Mike Biollo

Father Giovanni

Camillo Bridarolli

Mr. & Mrs. Henry

John Camarta

Domenico Chiarello

Joe Fabbri

Mario Grassi

Victor Losa

Filomena Michetti

Mrs. Mamie Meardi

Tony Nimis

Giorgio W. &
Norma Pocaterra

Mr. & Mrs. John

Romano Tedesco &
Mrs. Irma Giacobbo

Angelo Toppano

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Mr. R:  Mr. Sab Roncucci
Mrs. G:  Mrs. Irma Giacobbo

Mrs. G:

No, no, there was no wine, there was no liquor. Like I say, just coffee.

Mr. R:

Do you look to those days with, what, regret or happy feeling? What is your reaction now?

Mrs. G:

No, I don't. Those days, for myself, I, you know, I guess we didn't know anything better, and they were very, very happy days. Very, very happy days. Everybody was happy and jolly. And everybody was very, very friendly. You know, we could go into somebody's house, even at dinnertime and whatever they had, they tell you, "sit down and have a bite with us". People were so much different than people are of today. You know, we had big families and a lot of work. We still were happy and had time to visit our friends and have a little bit of fun once in awhile. Now, it seems that people don't seem to - even when I go up there now - it seems it's so different. I don't know...

Mr. R:

Yes, probably because people are more affluent now.

Mrs. G:

That's right. It could be that way, too.

Mr. R:

So, are you happy now that your father brought you to Canada?

Mrs. G:

Oh yes. I'm happy. I have no regrets. Well, I didn't know too much about Italy, anyway. I came here when I was only a little girl.

Mr. R:

Yes, so I see, I imagine that. Now you've been living in Edmonton for quite a number of years.

Mrs. G:

Seven years.

Mr. R:

And you're happy in Edmonton?

Mrs. G:

Yes, I'm happy, in Edmonton, too. I have my children around. I've got only one boy out on the farm. That's all.

Mr. R:

And your father said that last year you went back to Italy.

Mrs. G:

I went in the summer, last summer.

Mr. R:

How did you find Italy?

Mrs. G:

Well, like I say, I don't remember too much from when I was there, but I see that the old homes, they're there and they're empty, they all have new homes. They have running water, they have their conveniences, they have their gas, it's not like it was. I found the people very, very friendly and happy in Italy. I was very happy that I did make the trip. I never cared, really, to go, but then, finally the children said, "Mama, you should go", so I went.

Mr. R:

I think that was very good of you.

Mrs. G:

I really saw a lot of my...I saw my relations on my husband's side, that I never knew them before. And then I saw a lot of my cousins, they remember me more than I remember them. 

Mr. R:

Tell me, I imagine that your relatives in Italy asked you about your early life in Canada.

Mrs. G:

Oh yes.


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