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    Raffaele Albi > Oral History Transcript Summary

    Raffaele Albi:  Oral History Transcript Summary

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Raffaele Albi

Mr. and Mrs.
Enrico Butti

Mr. & Mrs.
Domenico Chiarello
(Nella Anselmo)

Gus & Assunta Dotto
(Emilia Raffin)

 Attilio & Stella Gatto

Gus Lavorato

Giovanni Paron

Louie Protti

Mr. & Mrs. Sartor

Sam Scrivano

Silvio Tona

Paolo Veltri

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Canada :

  • Raffaele remembers a man from Winnipeg [Ottavio ?] came to Grimaldi to visit and that's how he learned about work opportunities in Canada. This was around 1947-48.
  • He had served in the military in Africa and in Grimaldi there was not much work or food. The man said that most of Grimaldi would be in Winnipeg.  The man made the application for him and also provided the money for his passage.
  • Raffaele's father-in-law [Vincenzo Potestio] was already in Canada working at the time . He also had a first cousin in Trail, BC [named Ferraro].
  • Raffaele came to Canada first, and his brother followed six months later.
  • He went from Grimaldi to Paris. From Paris he took the boat to Quebec with a couple of guys from Grimaldi. From Quebec he went to Winnipeg to meet the man who helped with his application. Then he traveled 200 miles to a farm by truck.
  • He remembers having a great time on the ship. All Raffaele brought with him was a suitcase. His wife did not join him at this time.
  • The farmer they worked for was deaf. The farmer's son-in-law and one of Raffaele's friends would do the communicating through writing and then translate for Raffaele. Raffaele worked on the farm doing gardening and other odd jobs. He worked there for a month and got paid $14.00. 
  • He took the bus to Winnipeg, looking for his cousin Frank who operated a restaurant. He ended up getting a room for a night and met an Italian family. He found Frank and told him that he had to leave the farm job because the guy who translated English to Italian for him left.
  • From Winnipeg Raffaele got a job laying track for the CN for one month. He had to carry a level, a straight edge, and a jack. One day he got a telegram from Mr. Nigro regarding a job.
  • In 1949 he went to Edmonton. He got a job with Imperial Oil, his wife and three kids came over in 1951.
  • Very few Italian men worked for the company at this time. 

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